Seeing the Rainbow

rainbow storm

Hello my WP family….I know it’s been awhile, but I wanted to check in and let you all know that the rain is finally subsiding.  In other words, things are going alright with me–well actually, more-than-alright with me—at least now they are…I’ve been experiencing some major life changes within the past few weeks.  Those who have been following my blog for awhile know that 2013 hasn’t been the kindest to me—ok, that’s an understatement.  To be honest, the beginning of this year has been particularly difficult because I’ve found that the issues I’ve been dealing with I could not share with anyone.  I’ve tried to share part of my turmoil only to find that others either don’t understand, judge me based on what I’ve shared, or needed the full story to begun to grasp what was going on–and no way was I risking that.  It’s just one of those seasons when you can only talk to God, because only He knows the whole story and why things really bother you. Continue reading

“The Voices, The Lies”

I’m almost ashamed to admit this, but I haven’t had this issue in years, especially since I became a born-again believer.  But some crazy occurrences has caused me to a lot of reflecting lately.  I was on the road recently and it was a looooong ride–well, not really…but it felt like it.  That’s when my past began to haunt me.  Right when the voices seemed louder than the radio…this song came on….and it was speaking to me, so I had to share it with you all….

“Hello My Name Is” by Matthew West (with lyrics)

Thank you Lord for this reminder,




12 am….I was lying in my bed, trying to fall asleep. No TV blaring….and no light shone through my window. The room was pitch black. Still & quiet. Then it came. A strong wind from the opposite corner of the room blew past my head. Then a stronger wind from the other direction blew off my cover. I heard the thunder roll. I felt the rain, but it was too dark and I couldn’t see. I tried to cover my head but the rain kept falling on my face. Then I turned face down into the pillow until my pillow was drenched. Lightning flashed and then a sharp thunder cracked, which made me jump up just to feel the rain, wind, and water again until I couldn’t breathe. Then I heard a voice: “Peace, be still.” The wind stopped, calmness came over me…and the rain rolled off my cheeks. A light shone through my window. When I looked around my room and everything was still. I turned my pillow over, got under my cover, and went to sleep.
It rained for 40 minutes.